

My photo
i'm a people lover.. especially their way of thinking.. that's why i went for psychology.. i'm nice, funny, sometimes i talk to much, but that's me, i listen to everyone who has something to say.. and last but not least, i love the woman.. and i'm proud of this.. proud and out..

February 14, 2010

pt tine..pune-i titlu..ti-o dedic.

it's getting crazy..i'm getting crazy.. i started talking to myself.. i started imagine you around.. talking to shadows, talking in my sleep, to people about you, seeing you in everyone and everywhere, looking at the sky and ask the Universe when?.. i know.. i'm getting crazy.. my craziness took me on the top of the highest building making me scream after you.. my craziness took me in all the places that i thought you might be.. my craziness put me to look for your steps in the middle of the road until i felled.. hit by this giant crazy thing that made no sense. i opened my eyes.. my imaginative crazy mind took me nowhere again.. and i'm just here.. ready to fallow the craziness again.

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